A Bumpy Time in my Business
The next few years got a bit bumpy in my network marketing endeavors. Fortunately, I had adopted a “multiple streams of complimentary income” approach and began to build multiple businesses that complimented one another.
I tried a couple online businesses during this period including MyWorldPlus, Rolution, PlugedInProfits, Free Toolbox, Empowerism, Prosperity Marketing System, and Second Income Coach but none of them were to take hold. I thought they all had pretty good digital products that fit well into my multiple streams of income but for whatever reason I just couldn’t get others to join and become active.
GVO (Global Virtual Opportunity) launched as a web hosting business that understands Internet marketers and provides the tools for you to succeed with your online business. Every online business owner needs quality web hosting and tools to support and run their business. Global Virtual Opportunities provide the awesome tools and resources all under one roof that most successful Internet marketers are using to propel their business forward.
Since I was creating numerous web sites, hosting was a necessary product. This business allowed me to convert some expenses into an income stream. I transferred my web domains from other hosting platforms to the GVO platform and began building a downline of distributors for GVO.
The first few years were great for GVO. My downline was growing, I was adding clients, and making pretty good money while essentially getting all my web hosting for free. Then my downline began shrinking to the point I was spending more for GVO services than I was earning… it was time for a change.
GDI (Global Domains International) was another hosting company that somewhat competed with my GVO business. The difference was it was more of an entry level program for web hosting and had a much lower monthly cost. Initially, I built a pretty nice downline but the churn rate and low return eventually led me to drop this program.
PrePaid Legal offered legal services.
You just never know when you might need to hire an attorney and when you do they can be quite expensive. This program gives you access to plan attorneys that are available when you need them.
Retire Quickly – Financial Freedom Society
This program was to change my life in so many ways. Owner, Kelly Reese taught about the importance of getting out of debt and to achieve financial freedom by becoming a “virtual millionaire”. I was going to meet some pretty incredible people and make some friendships that continue to this day. I was earning a pretty nice income when this program, like many MLM’s closed.
GoFoods Global
eFoods, later renamed GoFoods Global was a specialty food and beverage company featuring high quality “just add water” food and beverages for people on the go and was the global leader in extended shelf-life nutrition. The food was very good, in my opinion, and I regularly consume it in place of store bought foods.
- Foods dehydrated from #1 grade fresh raw foods
- Ready-to-eat meals with proprietary recipes
- Ultra, high-quality ingredients (no MSG, no trans fats)
- No (GMO) genetically altered food
- No imports from countries using illegal fertilizers and insecticides
- Easy preparation
- Convenient portions and packaging . . .
- AND a 15+ year shelf life!
I began to grow my business and add storable food every month to my emergency food reserves. This program was probably the impetus for my awakening about emergency preparedness as I learned more about the fragility of our food chain. I launched survivalfoodreserves.com to promote the business and in the process learned much about emergency preparedness.
Sadly, like so many businesses before it, GoFoods sold out to Youngevity and my business collapsed again.
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