My Bird Life List
Following is my life list of birds I’ve spotted and photographed. Click on each bird for details and more photos.
Following is my life list of birds I’ve spotted and photographed. Click on each bird for details and more photos.
Birds have been one of the greatest subject for photographers for years now because they have an inspiring beauty and mystify us with their gift of flight and diversity. When it comes to photographing birds and their behavior, catching it on film will add a tremendous visual impact and feeling to any picture. There are […]
One useful feature available on my Nikon D5600 is back button focus. Oftentimes when shooting birds, the bird is not in the center of the frame and the camera focuses on the background instead of the bird. This technique allows me to focus on the bird and quickly recompose and shoot. This mode of shooting […]
No bird watcher is complete without a bird watching journal. When I’m bird watching, I’ve been keeping a life list; a photographic record and journal of the birds I see. It’s not a paper journal but a digital one available to anyone on the Internet. The Life List As I become a more avid bird […]
A side benefit I’ve discovered about gardening is birdwatching. While sitting on my back deck watching my flowers grow, I’m often distracted by the many variety of birds I have visiting. I couldn’t resist the urge to get out my camera and snap some shots. So, I grabbed my trusty Nikon D5600 with the 70-300mm […]
There is something to be said for the chase being most of the fun in life. I find I want to spend more time outdoors watching birds in the hopes of seeing something new. There are good, okay and great times to photograph sightings. Understanding these times will better guarantee some great shots of […]
You’ve seen the dreaded demon-eye effect that occurs when the camera flash bounces off the eye of a person or pet. An otherwise wonderful picture can be ruined by this. Technically, this is called red-eye and is caused when the pupil of your subject’s eye is wide open and the light from the camera’s flash […]
Have you ever taken a picture of a beautiful winter scene and been disappointed to discover the crisp, white snow came out with a bluish tint? This is the kind of situation your digital camera’s white balance is meant to prevent. The white balance is a sensor that analyzes the lighting conditions and colors of […]
Ever wondered how to get good tips on improving your photography? Well, apart from asking the experts you could also get a lot of handy tips on the internet. There are many websites dedicated to photography and if you search you will come across many of them offering good tips on photography. The first thing […]
Are you the type of a person who likes to find beauty in almost anything you see and finds art in them? If so, you’re probably fascinated with photography. That’s because photography enables you to tell a story and capture the moment. With photography, you could touch many lives with the beauty and the art […]