To have passive wealth and gain the freedom to live your dreams you have to take risks, make quick decisions, and inspire people.
In short, you must become a leader.
This doesn’t mean you have to be a politician or a military general. You don’t have to go to war. You don’t have to make a speech. But you do have to build your character.
A very wise mentor of mine, Jim Rohn, once said, “Before you make a million dollars, you must first become a millionaire“. What he meant was that you have to develop the mind of a leader. You must develop the habits of a millionaire to earn a million dollars.
Here’s a great test. Ask yourself, “Would a millionaire want to do business with me?” If the answer is “no”, then perhaps you need to stop the Wednesday night bowling league, turn off the television set, buy a new suit and get serious about your financial future.
Remember, the effort will pay off, but you must pay the price that every leader pays.