Welcome to the Home Portal and Information about Vic Bilson
Welcome to my global information portal where I will share with you information about me, some of the things I’m doing in my home based business as well as my personal life.
I have been blessed to work from the comfort of my home for over twenty two years and have enjoyed the freedom that comes with a home based Internet business. Along with that came a semi-retirement lifestyle of exploring some old hobbies and learning new.

My Life’s Journey
If you’ve seen the movie, Forrest Gump, you’ll recognize one of the most memorable quotes from the movie…
“Life was like a box of chocolates.
You never know what you’re gonna get.”
I imagine you would agree with that sentiment and I must say as my life has unfolded, I never know what is coming next.
I like the advice of Marshall Sylver who said,
“Find your life interesting and deal with what emerges.”
I have done my best to deal with what emerges in my life and believe that every event we encounter is an opportunity to learn and to grow to become a better person.