I’ve been amazed at the number of websites dedicated to bird watching.
Thanks to this digital age, you can find sites to help you identify birds and sites that live stream birds in their habitat. There are bird watching links hat allow you to see birds from different parts of the world and at the same time submit photographs of what you’ve seen. Some of these sites are run by colleges and universities which use the information they gather for research purposes.
Help Identifying Birds
If you are new to this hobby and have no idea of the bird you just saw, you can find databases of birds with photos and detailed descriptions about the various species. I’ve relied on All About Birds to help me identify what’s showing up at my bird feeders.
To give you an idea of some of the bird watching links, you can check out www.audobon.org. There are hundreds of them on the web and they will show pictures and information about birds like what kind of food they eat and where is their natural habitat.
Social Media Birding Sites
There are social media sites where bird watchers participate in conversations about the birds they’re seeing. This sharing of information makes everyone more knowledgeable about the kinds of birds that can be found where they reside. If the people live close to each other, they can even plan a bird watching trip together.
You may also encounter some bird watching blogs that you can post a reply or comments to if you agree with the topic or disagree on what was said by the other person.
The links may also be used by local chapters and conservation groups to hold conferences, seminars and other events to create an awareness of birds that are endangered or provide better ways and techniques when it comes to bird watching.
Some travel agencies have also used as an outlet to invite bird watchers to come visit them so they can see the species of birds that are only found in their country.
Kansas is home to more than 475 species of birds. The state enjoys the country’s largest inland marsh and largest stretch of tallgrass prairie in the world. The KS Dept. of Wildlife and Parks publishes maps and suggestions for convenient driving trips to experience a rich diversity of habitats and the possibility of rare bird sightings. Check your local and state websites for similar tips in your area.
If you don’t like the stuff being sold in sporting goods store, you can even buy some of these items online and have this delivered to your home. You can buy it brand new or second hand and even auction for these items as there are people who are willing to get rid of their old stuff.
Because of the many bird watching links, you don’t need to buy books anymore when the information here is constantly updated that happens to be much faster than publishing a new book. Chances are, when you go to one website, you will be invited to visit another by simply clicking on it.
As long as people are into bird watching, the number of links will continue to increase. You can expect to see the same picture or information in some but if you look hard enough, there is always something new to learn about our feathered friends.
If you don’t know where to start, type in a keyword in the search engine like “bird watching” or “bird watching conservation groups.” In a few seconds, a list will appear right in front of your screen then it is up to you to check each one and bookmark those that you would like to visit again in the future.
If you discovered something new, don’t be shy to share it because others have done the same in the past which has benefited you.