One important factor that will increase your success in making money on-line is what I call your business snowball.
Far to often people quit their on-line business because they do not make money fast enough. Imagine joining a business opportunity where you have a monthly autoship of $100 or more. On top of that, you have to pay an additional $30 a month for their marketing system, more dollars for buying leads or placing advertisements. Before you know it, you’re needing to earn a couple hundred dollars a month – just to break even! Is it any wonder why so many people quit?
I would submit to you a better approach is to keep your initial investment to an absolute minimum – something far easier to earn enough to break even. Then, as you begin to earn a little profit, use that profit to fund the purchase of more advanced marketing tools – or even another business that can provide you multiple streams of income.
This is basically the idea behind what’s been called the funded proposal. Use a low cost business for entry and then snowball the profits into a growing on-line empire.
Here is the business I recommend. It’s a Savings Club with an all digital product that can save money for anyone. Exclusive to our fastest growing team is a complete marketing system at no cost to you.