I am so happy I began to educate myself several years ago BEFORE this coronavirus and economic mess was in the headlines. As a result of that education, today I am in perhaps the best financial shape I’ve been in at any time in my life.
I didn’t accomplish that because I am any smarter than the other person or because I had some secret money making formula. I believe it’s because I educated myself about money and the economy. Nothing that has happened over the past several years has really surprised me.
When you’re educated, you can know what’s coming.
That’s been my secret, if I have one. I’ve been prepared for what has come in the past several years because I got educated and I’m still preparing for what’s about to happen in the next several years.
I encourage you to turn off that mindless television news and toss out that worthless newspaper. If you let those things guide you, if you’re not broke already… get ready because you’re about to go broke.
Also, STOP chasing all those “get rich quick” schemes that are flooding the Internet. The only people who get rich from those are the ones selling you on the fantasy of easy quick riches. It’s pure fantasy folks and chasing that fantasy is perhaps why you’re so broke today. Get educated!!! and learn about true wealth.
If you want to gaze into my crystal ball and hear what I believe is coming, please give me a call or drop me an email. I will be happy to share with you what I’ve learned and how I believe you can better prepare yourself for the worse that is yet to come.