For attracting hummingbirds, the best plants to grow in your yard are those that produce flowers and fruit.
If you’re looking for the perfect plant for hummingbirds, look no further than the native columbine. Native to the eastern United States, this flowering perennial is a popular choice. The flowers of the native columbine are pendulous and red, and are perfect for attracting hummingbirds.
You can choose between the many varieties of columbine plants, including the Blue Star Columbine, which has dusky blue foliage. Blue Star Columbine grows in USDA zones 4 to 8, and is part-shaded. It has colorful flowers from early spring to early summer, and attracts hummingbirds and butterflies to its blossoms. It also grows in part shade and is deer resistant.
The Ruby-throated Hummingbird and the Four-spotted Bumblebee are among the most important pollinators of columbine, but the bumblebees are also a valuable part of the ecosystem. The Yellow Bumblebee, American Bumblebee, and Rusty-patched Bumblebee rely on the flowers of columbine to feed. Unfortunately, these pollinators are suffering. They are dwindling and declining, and their numbers have decreased as a result of agricultural intensification and climate change.

The Maurandya antirrhiniflora plant produces flowers that attract hummingbirds to feed on its nectar. This plant has violet flowers and deciduous leaves. It is also known as the snapdragon vine so might be a good choice along my fenceline.
The bright red tubular flowers of Maurandya baccharifloreus attract hummingbirds to your yard or garden. This deciduous, drought-tolerant plant grows three to four feet tall and wide. Hummingbirds love to feed on its nectar. It also attracts butterflies. If you’d like to attract more hummingbirds, consider planting several varieties of this plant.
Nasturtiums are an excellent choice for attracting hummingbirds. These colorful plants have rounded leaves and intensely colored trumpet-like flowers. These plants also grow well in poor soil and do not require fertilizing. The best time to plant nasturtiums is late spring, after the threat of frost has passed. Nasturtiums come in dwarf, climbing, and even ‘n’ varieties.

Aside from Nasturtiums being low-maintenance plants, they are also good choices for containers. Many varieties spill over the sides of walls and pavers. They can also be grown from seeds. In a sunny location, Nasturtiums can be grown in pots. Make sure to soak them weekly, and prune them after their first year to encourage them to flower. Nasturtiums are ideal for containers because they are bushy and fill gaps between complementary-colored flowers.

Other good hummingbird plants include the Beardtongue, which has small, tubular flowers that enchant hummingbirds. It is a perennial plant that has an open mounding habit, and it features many brightly colored blooms during the mid-season. The plant is low-maintenance and attracts hummingbirds despite its sensitivity to drought.
The flowers of weigela are a favorite for hummingbirds. They are available in different colors and some cultivars have interesting foliage. Some cultivars have deep burgundy leaves while others have golden green or variegated foliage. Weigelas can grow in a wide range of soil conditions, but they do best in full sun or partial shade. A hummingbird-friendly plant, weigelas are great for both outdoor and indoor plantings.
Weigelas are excellent for attracting hummingbirds, but you’ll have to be patient to watch them feast on your flowers. They love bright flowers, and some varieties of these flowers even snap your fingers off. Choose a sunny spot in your yard to watch them visit your garden. Weigelas are making a comeback with new varieties with beautiful cut-leaf foliage and tubular flowers that last all summer long.
Weigelas are easy to grow and provide a wide range of colors. They can tolerate moderate drought once established. Once established, they will bloom from late spring through early summer and will continue blooming until the first frost. These plants can also be kept indoors for the winter if they need shelter. So, if you want to attract hummingbirds, try a few of these plants and you’ll be rewarded.

Fuchsia is another excellent hummingbird magnet. Like Lantana, this plant should be grown in a shaded location. Fuchsia, or chupa-chuparoo, is even more delicate than Lantana, but it grows to just over two feet tall. Fuchsia blooms in the fall.
Hummingbirds love the color-changing flowers of fuchsias. The flower petals contain sugar water in liquid form, which attracts hummingbirds. Its nectar provides even more food and water for bees. Fuchsia plants are easy to grow and care for and require only minimal maintenance. Fuchsias are perennials in warmer climates and annuals in colder ones. Fuchsias are ideal for hanging baskets and are also a great choice for shady locations. They require minimal pruning after blooming, and are also easy to care for and can be planted directly from seed after the last frost.
A fuchsia plant has all the essential ingredients for attracting hummingbirds. Hummingbirds need a constant source of liquid to survive, and fuchsias provide that in spades. The hummingbird will hover over the flower and feed off of its pollen. Fortunately, fuchsia flowers have very few predators, and you can keep them from being hungry!